Is it odd to be behind on blogging and ahead on video uploading? That is my
current predicament, hopefully we can start to level things out here.
I have completed the first series of installments on my Wii Fit Plus Complete
Playthrough and that first series was of course....
I've had the vids up a few days now, but I will go ahead and get them
archived here for your convenience.
There are a lot of options and poses ranging from the most basic (Deep
Breathing) to some challenging poses for Advanced Users (Cobra, Gate, Dance, etc). I would have to say I
enjoy the Chair Pose, Bridge, and Spinal Twist the best. Anyway, here are the
Wii Fit Plus Yoga Playthrough Part 1:
Wii Fit Plus Yoga Playthrough Part 2:
Wii Fit Plus Yoga Playthrough Part 3:
Wii Fit Plus Yoga Playthrough Part 4:
As you can see, these four videos covered the full playthrough of what Wii Fit Plus Yoga has to offer. It is a very relaxing and enjoyable segment. I find that I continue to come back, after nearly 1,000 days of WFP, that I still play the following regularly: Tree, Standing Knee, Palm Tree, Chair, Cobra, Bridge, Spinal Twist, and Shoulder Stand. I think that after playing it for the first time, I will likely incorporate the Grounded V as part of my Tuesday/Thursday regimen.
If you have any questions feel free to leave me a comment here or on YouTube. I will do my best to answer quickly!
And now, what I want to know...What is your favorite Wii Fit Plus Yoga pose?
(Note: I am actively uploading the Strength Training Playthrough, so be on the look out for those videos!)