There are 5 stand-alone parts to Island Cycling, so let's check them out:
Wii Fit Plus Traning Plus Playthrough Part 2-1: Island Cycling Beginner Course
Wii Fit Plus Traning Plus Playthrough Part 2-2: Island Cycling Advanced Course
Wii Fit Plus Traning Plus Playthrough Part 2-3: Island Cycling Island View Course
Wii Fit Plus Traning Plus Playthrough Part 2-4: Island Cycling Expert Course
Wii Fit Plus Traning Plus Playthrough Part 2-5: Island Cycling Free Ride
Island Cycling
Again let me stress that I really enjoy this. I rank this as probably the most fun on the entire game disc, mainly due to the freedom's you don't have with Basic Run and Free Run, and the fact there is such a competivie nature to the game.
There are a few short comings, like not having an odometer in the early portions, but that is far from a deal breaker.
In all honesty, I would buy a cycling game for $49.99 that featured similar options. Just expand it with more content and go WiFi for the leaderboard in distance, calories, and time and you'd have a FIT HIT! That's right, are you reading this Nintendo? Do the reasearch and prove me wrong! This would be the next step up in exergaming.
Again, in all honesty, Island Cycling is a big reason I rushed out for Sports Resort. I was a bit disappointed that the cycling on SR didn't have an option to use the balance board and to eliminate the "pace yourself" stuff...if I get tired, I will quit moving the nunchuck (or stepping on the Balance Board). To compensate, just put in difficulty settings for beginners and diehards. I plan to hit that segment some time in the near future as I have put it off for 2 years now waiting to get all lined up with recording equipment, lol.
Anyway, back to Island Cycling. I spend most of my time being competitive thus far on Beginner and Advanced, and my scores reflect that. When I first got into beating records, I was on Island View, at the time those scores were good...I moved to Beginner and then graduated to Advanced. Last I checked, which admittedly was a while back, my Beginner and Advanced were both Wii World Records, although not submitted. I'm sure that could have changed, but that is how dedicated I am to this and how much I enjoy playing.
I do plan to focus more this winter on Expert Course and Free Ride as I'll have more time inside and it is a great way to stay active. I believe the best times on Free Ride are around 15 minutes or less! I actually haven't played it much (not even 10 times!). Hence why I had to play twice just to get all 20 beach balls, which some folks may have been oblivous too.
As for tips and tricks, simple...Play through the course and learn where the checkpoints are located. Now, try to pick a short route. Try it out. Tweak your route and try to improve. This is really a trial-and-error process. More time invested will yield a greater, or lesser, score.
My personal favorite is Advanced. I just really like the diversity of the checkpoints and think it is a great distance for every day play.
Let me once again stress that I DID NOT TAKE MY SHORT ROUTES. I simply wanted to complete these with a decent score for the playthrough. I am capable of much better distances on the first 4, I just simply went about it casually as I do not want to reveal my personal routes etc to get the good scores.
This is truly one of the high points of Wii Fit Plus and it really shines. The following Island Cycling gets is reflective of how much Wii Fit fanatics appreciate the diversity and open concept of the exercise!
Look for me to get into the competition on Free Ride later this year!