In addition to getting the Scorpion Striker Battle Pack with Series 2 Zap and newlander Hot Dog, I also saw first hand two new Triple Packs...conceivably Triple Pack #5 and Triple Pack #6. Granted, I am not sure which will be #5 and which will be #6 (or even if that will be their designations), but I can vouch for them and if not for just ordering S2 Prism Break and Eruptor last night on Amazon I would have picked up at least one of them...There is more to that story, but I digress.
Scorpion Striker Battle Pack
I will unbox this one as soon as the post is should be live on YouTube within the hour. I will also postpone my plans to upload Chapter 10 and instead record Zap and Hot Dog's Heroic Challenges as well as what the Scorpion Striker adds to Battle Mode.
Triple Pack #5 and Triple Pack #6
Now is where things get tricky as we don't "officially" know the designations of these Triple Packs, but we do at least know they exist...and that is the important thing! I'll post them below and then simply swap pics and info when we have definitive word on their numbering.
Triple Pack #5're probably as shocked as I was, lol. We have S2 Eruptor, S2 Stealth Elf, and S2 Terrafin. Not the greatest Triple Pack ever, but still quite solid.
Triple Pack #6
Again, a nice pairing of 2 Wave 3 Skylanders (Prism Break and Lightning Rod), and Wave 2's Drill Sergeant.
I really want Lightning Rod, but held off since I had just ordered S2 Prism Break from Amazon last night. Similarly, I don't really want a second Drill Sergeant.
I was also tempted by the Eruptor and Stealth Elf offerings, but ultimately held out due to the fact I had just ordered S2 Eruptor from Amazon last night and the fact I already have L-Stealth Elf on the table. I really wouldn't have minded another S2 Terrafin, but I'm trying to be thrifty.
If I can still cancel the Amazon order I may call tomorrow and then do so...I have still never seen Lightning Rod or Prism Break in single pack form locally...The only Wave 3 Skylander I saw tonight was Cynder...and I passed.
There is also perhaps reason to hold out spending your hard earned cash at GameStop. I have had several sources tell me they could be the source for Giants Sidekicks (think Frito Lay's promo in SSA). Before you get too excited, it sounds like it could be a pretty interesting set up...I won't go into it much until we know more definitively. As always, I try to stick to what is known and certain, not just loosely derived from speculation etc.
Nonetheless, there you go...BRAND NEW BREAKING INFO! I have yet to see this anywhere on the net and just checked to see if I could get a designation on which was 5 and which was 6, but they are still empty with no place holders.
The other "big" news you probably wonder about is the Giants. I checked and my store did not get any...I was leaning more towards it being the middle of the month, so hopefully we get lucky there. I expect both Thumpback and Eye Brawl to be tough to track down, but I would love to be wrong.
Well, I am off to unbox the Scorpion Striker Battle Pack! Hope everyone pre-ordered!
im gonna use initials for the characters names here just so u dont get confused im telling u now
Reply Deletemight pass on triple pack est(Eruptor stealth elf terrafin) as hav all characters in one form or another although 2 se and t is tempting dont want 3 e's. how ever pld looks good as i dont have pb or ds. sadly no wave 3 release date yet for australia though
Haha, you know what is sad? I actually understood that!
DeleteI hear you as I was in the same boat. I'm now glad I passed bc Amazon had already shipped Eruptor and Prism Break (before Christmas they were honestly taking 3-4 days to simply get the order ready to ship).
Since you don't have Prism Break or Drill Sergeant I would highly recommend that TP as both are good and Lightning Rod has two worthwhile paths. I have heard DS's WowPow is really good.
To be honest with you, prior to tonight I had never seen anything aside from Cynder and one each of Stealth Elf and Eruptor. Cynder seems to be the only steadily recurring W3 at this point. Hence, why I went online for PB and Eruptor last night...I just landed LC Shroomboom on Amazon and added S2 Stealth Elf so now all I lack is S2 Lightning Rod. I don't think I'll get regular Cynder since both starter packs had her GITD form.
Like you, I'm a big Stealth Elf fan so I felt it only right to add her regular counterpart to join the L-Stealth Elf.
Good luck on the looks like we are going to get hit next week as well...It couldn't be too much longer before y'all start to see them.
We got a single pack Lightning Rod s2 on the 1st of Jan at game stop in our local town.
Reply DeleteVery nice! I have still yet to see S2 Lightning Rod anywhere in his single pack form :( He just stayed up on so long I figured he would be stocking shelves in a week or two...I was wrong, lol. Now I am waiting for him to return to retail price at Amazon or pop back up for ship-to-store at Walmart. You definitely got lucky landing him in person!
DeleteDoes anyone know the UK release Dates?
Reply DeleteSadly I do not. If you have noticed a regular span between things hitting the US and then UK, I would take that and use it as a ballpark. For what it is worth, despite me seeing it at GameStop now for 2 weeks, I have yet to see it anywhere else including online retailers.
DeleteHopefully it won't be too much longer for you.