Skylanders Swap Force Character List

16 NEW Swap Force Skylanders
-Wash Buckler

-Blast Zone
![[User Posted Image]](https://www.darkspyro.net/images/swapforce/p_blast_zone.jpg)
-Freeze Blade
-Night Shift
-Stink Bomb
-Magna Charge

2 Unknown in 3DS Starter Pack:
Swap Force Combos
Washcharge (Washbuckler Top + Magnacharge Bottom)
16 New Skylanders

-Roller Brawl

Unknown Magic Element (I'm Guessing Regular)
16 Series 3 Skylanders
-Series 3 Ninja Stealth Elf (name confirmed 6/7/13)
![[User Posted Image]](https://www.darkspyro.net/images/swapforce/c_stealth_elf.jpg)
-Series 3 Volcanic Eruptor (name confirmed 6/7/13 via 3DS Starter Pack)
8 LightCore Skylanders
Hello. It is stil ChaoZofelectrik777 with a new name and picture.
Reply DeleteOne quick question, do you know if you can access multiple lemental gates with Swap-Force (ex. Water Skylander head + Tech Skylander feet= access to both element gates.
Ha, nice!
DeleteI honestly do not know at this time, but based on what I read the new Swap Force areas will likely be dictated by feet etc, as I think that controls what special actions take place (swim, climb, fly with rocket boots etc).
That said, if we could have rocketboots to get into a special Swap Force area anchored to an Undead Skylander's torso, I do not know if we could also get in a regular old elemental area etc....
Lots of stuff still remains "unknownn" in that regard.
The skylanders website said that the bases will unlock certain areas within the swap force game.
DeleteYeah, that is correct. The special Swap Force areas will be covered with the base's attribute (ie Digging or Speed like we saw in the Freeze Blade gameplay they let me release).
DeleteThere are also dual element zones I saw at E3 behind closed doors.
I think that the element is determined by the base/legs.
Reply DeleteThat is what I am thinking as well...Just not sure if you had a Water Base with an Undead Top if you could use the Water Base for a Swap Force area and then progress thru the level and use the Undead top to get in an old fashioned elemental gate etc.
DeleteI'd kind of like for them to keep it simple and just make the base determine it.
I'm just curious, how will you do unboxings and things with the swap characters will you do it 2 at a time and swap them around?
Reply DeleteDon't know yet, lol. I will likely open them up and focus on the main character. If I get say 3 new Swap Force characters I might showcase what combos you can do etc.
DeleteI guess eventually I could make a vid showing all 256, but that would be nuts, lol.
You could definitely do that with the starter pack and maybe if you get say 3 extra swap characters on launch day you could unbox all at once and do combos. Also I think that instead of ap's and bp's they might have swap packs or something
DeleteYeah, I will probably go with what is on hand, anything really cool, or stuff I know ple want to see etc. I hope the game is longer this time...Heroics, Quests, and Arena Challenges are nice, but don't replace a longer main campaign.
DeleteI want more levels more skylanders more swap forces and someone tell me A swap force guy of every element!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MORE !!!!!!!!!!!!THINGIES
Reply DeleteI hear you on the levels...the game would really benefit from a longer campaign. I think we will see the Swap Force characters across all elements given their quantity.
DeleteDoes anyone know the air, magic and earth swap force characters?
Reply DeleteThere are two more trailers/vids I haven't watched yet...I might be able to figure it out from them. I hope to check em out this weekend...I'll post up if I know...Are you wanting Strictly the swappable Swap Force, or just in general newlanders too?
Deletejust general but mainly swappable. also the starter pack was changed but it could be changed again who knows. the new one has magna charge instead of blast zone. i found this out when i tried to pre order magna charge and they daid you couldn't pre order him becaues he was in the starter pack.
DeleteI'll see what I can turn up for you...I was unaware they changed it...thought it seemed early to announce it, but who knows with Activision, lol.
DeleteIs EB offering up pre-orders on Swap Force already? I have no clue why GS doesn't do the same...I'd love to cough up the cash now for W4 and Ninjini than have to deal with the hassle of landing them locally or ordering in later etc.
I had planned to watch the trailers and Nintendo Direct in full length tonight, but it has gotten too late. As soon as I know more, I'll update the post!
I think for swap force they might do a pack with all 5 of the types of characters including2 swap characters or just a swap pack with 2 swap characters
Reply DeleteThat would be cool...I finally got to skim the videos...no new characters past what I already listed...I did take some screen caps...I'll get them up later tonight or tomorrow.
DeleteBtw the magic is a swap one and the snake is earth swap and eagle is air swap btw, i know magic one cause there was a concept art showing where he split.
Reply Delete-hyperwizard808, i dont play skylanders for most of the year, but when i do i need your wiisdom
Do you have the concept art? I'd like to see it...She looks pretty cool either way.
DeleteI initially thought (based on the texture) the Rattler was Earth, but I actually think it is on an Undead Base...It makes sense initially to be Earth, but the backstory might justify Undead. I'm really looking forward to that character regardless!
I could tell that other one is Air, I just really don't know what it is from that angle, lol. Just a 20 degree turn would help...almost like we are looking at all beak.
Glad I can be of service!
They removed concept art :( and yes the snake is earth,
Deletewas looking through google found an intro that says he's earth but for the name it just says "earth swap character" magic snnaps at waist right above skirt thing btw and in one drawinng it was on a cloud, another had pink and blue striped boots,and one was floating with sparkle things
edit: I think it said it was a boy btw
DeleteThat will be on funky boy if that is the case...eyes look a lot like Stealth Elf to me...Maybe they'll just announce her at E3, lol.
DeleteThe card in the starter pack shots is of an undead appearance for the snake...
It still makes the most initial sense to me for him to be Earth...and that would also tie right in with my favorite element :D He should def get a name at E3...if they don't detail the starter packs it will be a bit of a let down...
I'm happy about the current line up because every undead character is awesome which actually suits with my favourite element also I saw online that there is a s3terrafin which looks killer( literally wolverine style)
DeleteTerrafin was super hard to get a good picture of...he was right up against the spin-to-win Hot Dog wheel and staff was standing there. He did look good though...Undead has definitely gotten better. Rattle Shake and Night Shift both look great.
DeleteI have some info......but if I say it, I just hope people won't go on about they know because I don't see any updated things. All Swap Force Skylanders will be males.
Reply DeleteMagic Skylander: Name: Star Strike, Regular core, female.
New Fire Skylander: Name: Fryno, Regular core, Possible male.
Snake: Undead Swap Force Skylander: Name: Rattle Shake.
Air Swap Force Skylander: Name: Free Ranger.
New Fire Swap Force Skylander: Name: Fire Kraken
New Life Swap Force Skylander: Name: Grilla Drilla
New Tech Swap Force Skylander: Name: Spy Rise
There is no known Earth skylander at the moment.
Yep, thanks for the post...I'm still readjusting to the time change and total lack of sleep...That said, I have info to back all that you posted...I just haven't gotten a chance to post my developer insider stuff or update the older "general" post or character roster.
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Reply DeleteI am new to Skylanders and Swap Force. I am trying to find Scratch. Is it extremely hard to find or has it not been released yet?
Reply DeleteHey Kimberly, sorry for the slow reply...I just now saw the comment. Scratch was not out when you posted, but is now...She should be fairly easy to find at this point...Good luck! She is a lot of fun!