Unboxing Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask for Nintendo 3DS
What? Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
Where Did You Get It? Toys'R'Us
How Much Was It? Birthday Gift! But retail is $34.95-$39.99 plus tax
What Was Stock Like? Oddly enough, some stores never seem to have stock on Layton games
System? Only on Nintendo 3DS
Developer? Level-5
Reviews? 8.5+
I've got to say...I am a HUGE Proessor Layton fan. The games are just so different than anything else out on the market. These games combine elements of mystery, puzzle solving, brain teasers, and suspense into one thoroughly enjoyable novelesque experience. I say that in that the game unfolds in Chapters, each of which brings light to part of the mystery or solves certain elements relating to the bigger picture.
I have only skimmed reviews and while users are fanatic about the game, the crazy thing is most reviewers are as well. I guess there have been some changes for the 3DS transition, the most notable one being a change in the "screen tapping" to a magnifying glass. Nonetheless, it seems like more of a simple upgrade than any real deviation from the successful Layton formula.
I started with 2011's "The Last Specter" and have since picked up the entire catalog of Layton games...I have high hopes for this one and I think I will start it up tonight!
If you are interested in a change of pace, puzzle game, or something with a little suspense that will challenge your intellect I fully recommend you give this series a try!
And once more, props to Nintendo and Level-5 for still including a real manual for the game!