I have to stress that outside of Boom Jet, Free Ranger, Trap Shadow, and Freeze Blade all Swappers will follow the 5 Video format. My first recording with Boom Jet obviously features the Base Upgrades, Storm Bomber up top, and Sky Writer down below...The 2nd Boom Jet took the correct format so I have stand alone Base Upgrade, Squad Leader, and Ace Gunner Upgrade videos...
Once again, past these 4 character everyone will follow the selected 5 video format and I won't have to talk about it anymore...I just have to cover it at the start to avoid people assuming I didn't cover base upgrades or certain paths since they won't have stand alone videos...I do that because not many people read video descriptions...
Anyway, one of the real perks is getting to highlight and document each and every upgrade...And in the case of Boom Jet, that turned out to be a REALLY BIG DEAL...I will tell you why below!
Boom Jet Base Upgrades
Boom Jet Damage Numbers
Boom Jet Base Upgrades with Storm Bomber and Sky Writer
Boom Jet Squad Leader Upgrade Path
Boom Jet Ace Gunner Upgrade Path
Now, if you noticed there was a special note on the Damage Numbers Spreadsheet...
It pertains to Boom Jet's Bottom End Soul Gem, Mach 2.
My first recording featured the Sky Writer Path...Mach 2 granted +7 Speed and looked to deal 32 damage at the beginning of the dash...
Much to my surprise (and shock in all honesty) Ace Gunner did not follow suit. There is nothing in Ace Gunner to make Mach 2 special or stand out...It should be exactly the same as Sky Writer. However, I saw 150 as the damage number and assumed it was some freak combo...That was incorrect. 150 is the actual damage number put out by Mach 2 when you are down Ace Gunner.
I am not sure if Sky Writer has it too low, or Ace Gunner has it too high, but there is a HUGE DISCREPANCY between the two paths and their respective Soul Gem.
I thought it might be tied in specifically to the Wii U version of the game so I tested it out on Xbox One while the videos uploaded...Again to my surprise I found the results exactly the same! Sky Writer saw Mach 2 put out 32 damage and Ace Gunner saw Mach 2 put out 150.
Again, I don't know which number should be correct, or why they are not uniform, but I would strong suggest you check it out for yourself and take advantage of Ace Gunner's unseen benefit!
I know many of you just sport 1 figure (unless Boom Jet is a favorite) so you might be oblivious to the discrepancy. I searched the net for this and came up with nothing, so as far as I know this is the first report on the incident. For what it is worth the stats and other upgrades matched up perfectly between the Wii U and XB1 versions of the game.
This again showcases how nice it is to have the Training Ground and how it gives me the chance to document all the damage numbers one-by-one. Will we see more changes like this? Stay tuned!
If you have a different version of the game (Wii, 360, PS3/PS4) and can test this out let me know what you observed...Given both the Wii U and XB1 have the 32 vs 150 I am inclined to believe that is not just an anomaly for one version of the game.